Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Rev. Richard J. Vincent  The Lamb is the Shepherd (John 10:11-18, 27-30)  www.TheoCenTriC.com 
 2. Rev. Ian Hamilton  John 1:19-34: God's Son - God's Lamb  Cambridge Presbyterian Church 
 3. BSP  John 10:7-11 - The Good Shepherd - Part II  Gospel of John 
 4. BSP  John 10:12-15 - The Good Shepherd -Part the Third  Gospel of John 
 5. Damian Kyle  Jesus, The Good Shepherd John 10:1-21  Life & Ministry of Jesus Christ 
 6. Pastor Tom Fuller - Living Waters Christian Fellowship Calvary Chapel Newberg  John 10:1-42 The Voice of the Shepherd - 2008-011  John 10 
 7. Alpha Praise  Worship the Lamb: My Faith Looks up to Thee/Lamb of Glory/Worthy Is The  The Majesty & Glory of the Resurrection 
 8. Manchester Special Editio  Down to the Dancehall - big band swing. John Manchester. John Van Eps. Grand Gouffre-ASCAP.  Sounddogs.com 
 9. Bonnie 'Prince' Billy & Captain Anomoanon  John The Baptist [ two songs on the same theme segued together, the first by E.C. Ball, the second by John Martyn ]  Joe's Pub - 8.6.06 - 6:30pm 
 10. Hugh Hewitt  John Hinderaker, John Kline, David Allen White  Hugh Hewitt 
 11. Dr. James R. Young III  Calling Good Evil - Isaiah 5:20; John 14:6; John 9:13-25  Grace Evangelical Church 
 12. Exodus  War Is My Shepherd  Tempo of the Damned   
 13. Steve Sandfort  The Shepherd  Too Wonderful To Know 
 14. Camps with Meaning  God is our shepherd  - 
 15. Percy Grainger  Shepherd's Hey  LNSO/Normunds Vaicis 
 16. Dana "Short Order" Cooke  Shepherd's Pie (duo)  Westcott Sessions 
 17. Grainger/Schissel  Shepherd s Hey  Demo Only 
 18. Ralph Vaughan Williams  The Shepherd  The Pilgrim'S Progress - A Bunyan Sequence 
 19. Exodus  War Is My Shepherd  Tempo of the Damned   
 20. Grainger/Schissel  Shepherd s Hey  Demo Only 
 21. Grainger/Schissel  Shepherd s Hey  Demo Only 
 22. Camps with Meaning  God is our shepherd  - 
 23. Venetian Instrumental Trio  The shepherd boy (take 1)  Edison Blue Amberol: 1578 
 24. Grainger/Schissel  Shepherd s Hey  Demo Only 
 25. Percy Grainger  Shepherd's Hey  LNSO/Normunds Vaicis 
 26. Church in OKC  Shepherd  This Divine Romance 
 27. Ann Sweeten  shepherd me  A Place In The Sun 
 28. Forgiven  Shepherd Me O God  By Request 
 29. Forgiven  Shepherd Me O God  By Request 
 30. Church in OKC  Shepherd  This Divine Romance 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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